Sunday, October 25, 2009

3 weeks to Seri Manjung...hmm alahai

Foto ceduk dari album CAR

Suddenly as the festive mood vanished from us, the race season dropped in with a boom! Big time! All race organisers gone wild & unwittingly scheduled their events sampaikan oneself dah mula rasa loya, mual & ngeri. Dengan terpaksa survive gaji sebulan untuk 40 hari, transferring those race fees through maybank2u hanya dengan menutup sebelah mata.

With my trip to Seri Manjung just around the corner, the pre-race anxiety & panic dah mula terasa. Weekdays workout dah ler rongak bila kena outstation & cuaca yang mula mengganas. Tinggal 2 minggu aje lagi beb! Argh! Ngeri 8000 kali. After this weekend's menu, I felt a bit of 70-30 to visit Seri Manjung with a bang.

Semalam, Sabtu, walau dengan sambutan yang kurang meriah, a few of us proceed with our shceduled workout plan. Only Saifu, Dicky & me cycled up to Peres junction & back to my place. Clocking 64km in 2:29:03 averaging a 25 kph. We were quite satisfied with the achievement, but not the run after. We were struggling alright. Though we only managed to run one loop of my neighbourhood's route (1.21km!!), we were complaining those stiff knee, stiff quad, bright sun & whatever reasons for not to continue. These originate myself to reconsider my training schedule & make the remaining time useful.

Today, the much awaited Mizuno Wave Run 2009 held at UPM berlangsung dengan jayanya. I had anticipated those hills which were there like before, 20 years ago during the school days. I had a good run. It was awesome. Pace was great. Found out later it was a good 5.38. My record for 11km was 1:01:59 (from Start banner to finish line). Race climate was great. Friendly venue, nice booths. I took the chance to get to know a few of Chap Ayam Runners & the best part was taking photos with them. This group is growing day by day. Thumbs up to cikens.

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