Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Peres...been a while

It's been a while...yes, everything's been a while. LSD, climbing Peres, etc. What better way to welcome the new year with something I've left and longing to redo for the past months. Nothing official but just some friends which I managed to gather via sms a day before. The menu was plain simple, roll off at 7.00am to Genting Peres and back. Perhaps or is it a must to stop for roti canai at Batu 18.

Alwin & me started off from my place & met up with Bahri at Batu 9. Eventually we met up with a group of cyclists from PCC at Batu 14 i.e. Clarence, PK & maybe seven others. They wanted to climb Peres & to Tekala. Our climb was casual though I suffered for the last 500 yards. Lucky Bahri was there for a non-stop huffing conversation, which he also thought the other way round. Hahaha. We didn't manage to catch the chilling Peres mist, maybe we started off a bit late from Batu 14 but the descent was relaxing.

Our starvation was cut short from an expected feeding frenzy when roti canai was only available one for each of us. Alamak! Stok tepung habis daaa... It never taste better that morning. Cukup rangup & lembut. Too bad we had to hold our desire to wallop more.

The spin back to my place was taxing for the three of us. I felt a slight hamstring pain on my left leg as I pushed on for the last 14km. Whether it's my lack of carbo load or my undisciplined diet that was draining me. I presumed that those fat-riched kambing for bbq I scoffed Friday night might be the 99% reason. Hahaha!

A week to go and it's going to be another year passed by and another year to venture. I've been busy with a few errands myself, like million others. Completing the current tasks in hand & perhaps undertaking new ones in 2010. Planning for events and races for next year almost through. I'm just targetting a few major ones and more social-driven experience. With the lack of a helping hand at home come March, I expect things would be a bit tougher for us but we'll manage. It's either now or never. All those experiences from trainings, marathon, races, events, motivations shall come in handy.

With the Hijrah & Masihi exchanging figures, and with all other resolutions at bay, I still need to be a better person. The calendar marks the spot for a paradigm. 2010 shall be another adventurous year. Insyallah.

First runners gathering for 2010 : Saucony Pacemaker Network Run Lake Garden 1st January 2010 7.30 a.m. See you there!


  1. bro! see u on friday. dgr cerita kena daki 170 steps?...mampuih

  2. Yeah. See you for our 1st 2010 race. Sure ke 170 steps? Itu tangga naik sampai memorial kan? Last Friday aku panjat pun dah nyaris nak jadik memorial gak :D

  3. bro, betis kau kecik sangat... meh ambik isi aku sikit, bagi lebih sikit bakar nak kayuh naik bukit.... hahah, and help me off few kilos lah

    bergegar ke saucony tu nanti?

  4. alaaaa…korang ni bohong. Berdesup jugak.

  5. Ye betul Kash.. tiga2 orang kat atas tu memang takleh percaya. Kita ni makan asap je la...
    Anyway, good luck for your first 2010 race!

  6. amsyah - orang dulu cakap tu betis india, tapi orang sekarang cakap betis kenya :) If hang nak loose weight, aku sedang cuba nak put up some weight...transfer sikit otot bleh gak. yang akan bergegar saucony bila panjat tangga nanti :D

    kash - bohong sunat. berdesup mula2 je, lepas tu sesat :D

    nik - sudah kasi lambung ye? hehe. skrg guna enjin 4 stroke, asap tarak. thanks bro. all of you will be there ke?


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