Saturday, April 10, 2010

Secret Saturday

A by-product of 3 loads of laundry, an hour of ironing, dishes, 8hrs babysitting while listening to Teacher's Pet

p/s. Fulfilling my son's request. Anticipate more to come. Argh!


  1. *impressive* ni ada gara2 artis lah ya. tak bazir simpan komik2 tuh :)

  2. hahaha. bakat terperap jadi pekasam, bukan terpendam. thanks bro.

  3. waa…pandai sangat buat housework…lucky your wife!

    T-rex tu kasi pakai running shoes and race belt with a bib :)

  4. Kash, I'm becoming Bree Van de Kamp by the day la. Help me! XD

    T-rex can achieve up to 40kph. No need shoes, belt nor vest. Just need meat, meat, meat. Hehehe.

  5. ohho ada bakat... ada design submission nanti aku helohelo hahaha

  6. lu professional bro. aku bukan cari makan. tengok la, dagu t-rex pun macam godzilla. hahaha

  7. When i grow up i want to be like Diket!

  8. Ok ler lu lukis bro. Now sure iron baju macam makan kacang ajer hehehe.

  9. Ingatkan secret training!

  10. ahah.. u watch desperate housewife too?? the show rocks =) nice pics.. i remembered asking my mum to draw a dog, ended up getting sausage with 4 sticks..

  11. diket, you can draw! Cool, I know you must have a sketch book. You have to show it...!!!

  12. bai..lepas nie datang mengemas rumah wa plak.... :)

  13. Nik, you want to be which part of Diket? Ironman? XD

    Thanks Ziff. Used to have the patience finishing up a sketch. Now semua fast & furious je. Kalau makan kacang Pagoda, kena kopek kulit, leceh gak.

    Haza, perhaps it's a new type of interval & you get to work out all muscles :D

    Fong, shhh...don't say so loud. Next time, you get Amsyah to draw for you :)

    Ian, my son owns my sketch book now. You must get it from him. I was shocked he found that 15 years old book.

    Hancik, wa datang rumah lu basuh basikal je. Hehe.

  14. Eh? What happened to the SCKLM donation entry? Baru nak komen cikit .. dah pun menghilang. Dun like that lah Diket hehe


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