Thursday, July 22, 2010

More Dirt on Video

I forgot about a short video I managed to record from the recent Bukit Kiara Trail run. Stumbled upon it last night while downloading photos from the Cuber-shot. Hence, the creativity bug flew in and get me to chant something for our memories and reminds us of how fun it is to be running with passionate people around us.

Perhaps the video is not in HD and very shaky due to on-the-run shots but that's the best I can spent my time on. Nothing like Steven Spielberg's ok :)

Sorry for the small window and small captions. I'm learning here :)
Perhaps by downloading the video, it can be watched in a larger version.


  1. cool! lepas ni kitaorg expect video race reports plak! cayaklah!

  2. Aku rasa 'cuber shot' tu sepatutnya 'cyber shot' (first paragraph, line 2)...tapi takpe..
    aku takde modal sbb tak boleh tngk video ni..huhu...

  3. video race report?! aiyo! itu pro je buleh tsar :D

    ijam, my version of cyber-shot is cuber-shot. kasi cuber dulu baru tengok.

  4. cool one,,for budak baru belajar kira ok lah nie :)

  5.'re humorous today Haza?

    OK la Kak June. Thanks. Nak cepat, tak sabor nak tengok full video. Mana yang sempat je :D

  6. thanks kash. tentatively bukit apek 31-july. ready?

  7. i felt so dirty after watching this video. but i want more.

    batu dam, please!

  8. Not just humorous, I also feel humongous!

    Tergigit cili nasi kerabu, damn!!!

  9. ohoh, boleh buat video majlis kawen nih... eh, nnt genting buleh shoot lagi...

  10. you dirty boy shuk. batu dam kena tanya CA's wild gym coordinator. sekarang dia bz jadik zigman :)

    how big is that haza?
    haaa...tu la dia. gelak lagi sambil makan.

    err...syah, majlis kawin saper tu? genting pakai olympus tough la. my cuber-shot not waterproof, only water-poof :D

  11. Wah.. kalau macam ni, next time kalau nak buat trail run kena pakai mekap tebal-tebal.. nanti nak masuk TV/video/youtube.
    paling tidak pun, kena pakai bedak sejuk beb...

  12. Bedak sejuk cukup la Nik tapi jangan tebal sangat. Kalau dalam hutan orang boleh mistaken with Zombie Kampung Pisang :D

  13. Aiseyman bro, mlm tadi tido cepat laa, tak sempat tgk video lu.

  14. Aku takut kalau kau tengok video tu, terus tak boleh tidur je :D

  15. cayok..cayok! song selection is great bro. Harap2 lutut aku OK by next weekend. Boleh jeles 1000x woo kalau miss next trail

  16. Ziff, tu je lagu yang secocok dengan gerak tari Nik yang menari depan aku :D
    Kasi prepare lutut tu bro, sementara stok masih ada sebelum posa.

  17. heheh .... cool vid! ... u r one step ahead of other bloggers, caya lah ... :)


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