Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seri I come (Powerman 2010)

11-Nov: As I was about to get flushed away into the Seri Manjung race jitters this morning, I received a phone call from Jaja about last night's mishap happened to a fellow friend. Esmenn. I don't quite know him but we exchanged smiles and Hi! a few times at races and trainings. He was hit by a taxi at Cyberjaya last night whilst cycling to Putrajaya for brick training with friends. Updates and detail coverage can be found in Facebook walls by fellow friends and Julie's blog as well. I pray for his fast recovery and good health. And to Malaysian motorists, wherever you are and at anytime, please stay alert on the road. You'll never know it might be your love ones that fall prey to careless drivers. For loving cyclists, bring functioning blinkers and road ID.

13-Nov: My thoughts kept on flying here and there about the upcoming task I'll be facing this Sunday. It's not that I've never done it before but a commitment is better be dealt with a fresh plan. The thing is...I don't quite have a firm plan yet! Take it slow or not take it slow. Full throttle or easy on the gas. Those are mind games for an uncomfort mind. Perhaps it's normal. The same feeling last year prior to the race. I think it was worse.

To straighten things out, I shall focus and stay focus. Thinking and planning should ease up the mind:

Source : Malaysian Meteorological Department
Negeri Perak
Ahad, 14/11/2010
Hujan curah/sementara di satu dua tempat
Petang Pagi : Tiada hujan
Petang : Hujan curah/sementara di satu dua tempat
Malam : Tiada hujan

Pulau Pangkor (nearest to Seri Manjung)
Ahad, 14/11/2010
Tiada hujan
Sepanjang Hari Pagi : Tiada hujan
Petang : Tiada hujan
Malam : Tiada hujan
Minimum : 23 °C
Maksimum : 31 °C - an so I was told! Lol!

Subuh : 5.44 a.m.

I shall be in control of myself. Pace, hydration, meal and bike should be within reach. What's beyond control i.e. weather, it's all in the mind. Sejuk! Sejuk! Sejuk! Lol.

Last but not least, a battle is incomplete without a theme. Here goes lads - man, these boys are as all as me?


  1. ala diket, sblm ni dah buat dah (lain la aku)...apa lagi belasah terus dari mula sampai abis...kang dah nak abis kang kau rasa ada tenaga lagi boleh pecut..tengok2 dah sampai finishing kan rugi je tu...
    All the best bro

  2. Good luck King! It's ok to be nervous <-- sape tah cakap macam ni kat aku dulu before my first HM. You've done it before so Insyaallah takde problem that you can't handle.

  3. The best of luck bro! and enjoy this bloody race!

  4. this should be a piece of cake, or prata!

  5. i think siapa pun, no matter how many things dah buat their events, and good at it the nervousness is always there .. so just go out there and then listen to your body .. u will be fine .. lepas tu pi makan prata heheh

  6. good luck diket'll be blazing as always:)

  7. Thanks everyone. Sorry I can't reply immediately since by the time I got all your wishes, I was already in Seri Manjung. Thank you so much. Race report nanti eh :)


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